Doutonbori giant feriss wheel "Ebisu Tower"|Don Quijote


Once you get in, you will smile like Ebisusan for the exciting ride.

Ebisu TowerDoutonbori giant feriss wheel

EBISU TOWER is the world's first oval ferris wheel. The ride of the EBISU TOWER takes 15 minutes.It is also the first in the world that has a four seat cabin that rotates horizontally.*Dotonbori zoi: Closest place to the sky in Dotonbori

Business Hours:11:00~22:00 (last ride 21:30). Please note that the ride is expected to become crowded towards the end, so we recommend visiting early. *please note that the ride may be closed suddenly due to weather reports/conditions, emergency maintenance etc.



1 ride1,000 yen/1 person1 gondola can carry up to 4 people
Get 100 yen off by showing your osaka amazing pass

*children aged between 7 and 13 need an adult to ride the ferris wheel with them. please check the information board at the boarding gate or contact a sfaff member


Don quijote/dotonbori, dotonbori ferris wheels ebisu tower

7-13 soemon-cho chuo-ku osaka osaka 542-0084

5 minute walk from namba station exit 14

Map information


  • Highest point

    77,4 meters(253 ft)
    (platform height 10.5 meters(34 ft))

  • Capacity per cabin

    4 people x 32 gondola
    total capasoty 128 people

  • Number of gondolas


  • Gondola speed


  • Ride time

    15 minutes

  • Features of EBISU TOWER

    worlds first oval ferris wheel

    worlds first oval ferris wheel rotates 180 degree arounf itself



The customers listed below are not allowed to ride the ferries wheel.

  1. Customers who are under the influence of alcohol.
  2. Customers who suffer heart problems or high/low blood pressure.
  3. Children under 3-years of age.
  4. Children aged 3~6 that are not accompanied by an adult.
  5. Pregnant Customers.
  6. Customers that have neck or back pain.
  7. Customers who are not secured with the safety bar.
  8. Customers who do not follow the instructions provided by the operator.


  1. Consumption of food or drink, as well as smoking are prohibited. Additionally, pets are also prohibited.
  2. Please do not run around at the platform.
  3. Any dangerous goods are prohibited in this area.
  4. Please firmly grasp the safety bar and do not stand up.
  5. For your safety you are required to follow the operator's instructions.

Cautions in the cabin

  1. Smoking is prohibited.
  2. Please do not run around at the platform.
  3. Please do not stand while riding the Ferris Wheel.
  4. Firmly grasp the safety bar for the entirety of the ride.